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MyTalkTools Mobile

Description: MyTalkTools Mobile for the iPhone, iPod touch and iPad enables people with communication difficulties to express their needs and desires to those around them. Your purchase provides permanent access to MyTalk Mobile (totally stand alone software)and a 30 day trial of optional MyTalk Workspace. Together, they represent a major breakthrough in augmentative, alternative communications (AAC) by making it easy to customize how you communicate through a variety of images, pictures, symbols, video and audio files including human voice. In 5 minutes, you can create your very own content and communicate in a way that YOU choose. You also won't have to worry about losing or breaking your device as all information is backed up on MyTalk Workspace. MyTalk offers ease of use and time-savings in a portable, effective, and cool communication tool. MyTalk helps people communicate in a whole new way.

iOS Price: 99.99


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