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Scene and Heard

Description: Scene & Heard is a Visual Scene Display augmentative communication aid on the iPad! Scene & Heard is an interactive context based communication aid and learning tool. Parents, teachers, therapists and helpers can import photos and allocate actions including audio messages, short videos, Widgit symbols and scene links to transition to a new scene. This makes the scene interactive! Key features of Scene & Heard: - Build scenes and vocabulary on the go. Take photos with your iPad or import photos from your photo library. - Record your own voice messages for scenes to make basic requests or share stories - Take or import short video files to allocate to scenes - Choose and use over 10000 Widgit symbols to use to support communication - Create hotspots (tagging a scene) on the scene and allocate actions, so that the picture is interactive - Link scenes to create a sequence of events, support narrative or to reinforce cause and effect concepts - Try out some of the pre-built scenes in the scene library, and then easily create your own scenes - Use a flip book or grid view to find your scenes - Flexible, easy and fun - Use one or 2 switches using a TherapyBox Switch Box or RJ Cooper switch interface - Use the whole screen as a switch in "touch anywhere" mode. Uses scanning to highlight the active areas and the person using the app can tap anywhere to make their choice Scene & Heard is designed to cater for a range of needs, starting with simple single message based communication through to sophisticated interlinking of scenes with a range of interactive features. Scene & Heard offers the functionality to record your own voice, and so, can be used for languages other than English. You can use it as an AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) tool for communicating basic needs or more complex ideas, or as an interactive and flexible learning tool, the choice is yours! Some ideas clinicians and parents have had so far: - single message communication aid - communication passports - step-by-step videos and instructions for completing daily tasks - use in the community,e.g. ordering coffee - creating therapy tools - teaching basic concepts such as cause/effect - video diaries - home / school liaison - social stories - narrative support - interactive education games - interactive email messages to family/talking video postcards

iOS Price: 84.99

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